Friday, September 14, 2012

Metallic Polishes Top 5

This autumn, it seems to be all about metallic shades, especially what nail polish is concerned. The metallic comeback was more or less announced last year, when multi- and duochrome polishes started appearing.     ( Translation: polishes that have two or more clear color reflexes in them)

I'm glad to tell you, that many of last year's candidates have stayed with me and have become present favorites too. That's why, I'm going to show you my current Metallic Polish Top 5.

metallic chrome nail polishes catrice iron mermaiden mavala opi metallic mercury envy w7 in the bronx bronze green multichrome and duochrome

Off topic funny fact: I seem to be so fascinated by petrol looking metallics that I got 3 polishes in pretty much the same shade without realizing I do indeed have 3 too many now. But I don't mind, I can just do a comparison and see if you can tell the difference.

On we go with the TOP 5 then. I didn't put them in a particular order, as the favorites change by day and mood, so we shouldn't discriminate here.

metallic chrome nail polishes catrice iron mermaiden mavala opi metallic mercury envy w7 in the bronx bronze green multichrome and duochrome

Catrice  - In The Bronx

I did not expect the color I was going to get with this. I've used it in this Post and it is a stunning bronze with gold shimmers. To me, this color is the epitome of autumn. It's the shade that you get described in fairytales when they speak about how the nature transforms in autumn.

Catrice - Iron Mermaiden

This one was an even bigger surprise. I liked the way it looked in the bottle but when I put it on my nails I was amazed by the colors! It goes from silver to blue, to subtle green and up to a pinkish mauve. Absolutely incredible!
W7 - Metallic Mercury

As the name says, it's metallic and it tries to replicate the colors of Mercury. I find it to be pretty close to OPI's Every Month is Oktoberfest.

W7 - Envy

 One of the petrol shades I was talking about, but  luckily, this one goes more into blue than it does into green. It still looks lovely on the nails and it's also a metallic that has a color which stands out. Most metallics tend to be somewhat dark, but this one clearly wants to make a statement.

Mavala - Bronze Green

The nice people of Mavala have named it perfectly. Bronze Green it is indeed.It actually looks a bit more green than in this picture when you wear it but if you want it darker, you can just go ahead and do an extra coat.
So here they are, my Metallic Top 5. I'm quite sure that during autumn, I will be stocking up on more metallics and I might be showing you a new Top 5 by the time winter hits.

What about you, have you tried any of these and what are your favorite metallics for the season?

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  1. i love metallic nail varnishes! The 'W7 - Metallic Mercury' looks just like topshop gypsy night with smaller glitter particles! xo

    1. Haven't tried the TopShop one but I've seen that they have really cool chromes.Maybe I should get one,but I'd like a shade I don't have...which is a bit difficult as most topshop chrome colors I have from different brands

  2. Replies
    1. Definitely top 3 for me too! It's SUCH a cool polish!
