Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pink Pretties: The Girly Beauty Products

Let's face it, we're all girls, or at least most of us here. Which meas that along the way we have given into pink once or twice. Maybe we're not wearing pink shoes or pink dresses, but sometimes you see something pink and go "how cuuuuute!".
Even I admit to it.

So I figured I'd round up some of my products that make me feel really cute and girly and show them to you.

That's a lot of pink you say? Why yes, yes it is!
And I threw in a lollipop for good measure. The Pink demanded it!

Let's see what we have, shall we?

Eyeko Fat Brush

Not pink per se, but pretty with a touch of pink. Would be magnificent if they'd actually do a mascara in fuchsia or another bright tone like that. I'll admit I might end up very tempted to buy it. If after my numerous mentions of this gorgeous thing, like in my August Favorites , in The Battle With Chanel and MAC or in my actual Review about the Eyeko Fat Brush , you still don't know Mr Eyeko, then I suggest you check those out, to see why this is a product I won't be giving up soon.
That and it's so fluffly I'm gonna die!!!

China Glaze Hang Ten Toes

This polish is from the Summer Neons that China Glaze brought out and it's more than anything, the girliest pink I own. Not to mention it also being a neon. I say, a pink win-win situation right there!
If you wonder what it looks like, then wonder no more, because you can see it on my nails Right Here

Alove Lotion Bar

This recent discovery of mine came courtesy of a good friend who actually makes them. That's why I can also be sure that the ingredients listed are indeed in it and when I say it's organic and preservative free, I have the certainty it is indeed. Avocado, Coconut and Olive Oil, plus Shea Butter AND Vitamin E in one little cupcake. It has been a life saver so many times. Its size makes it super handy to just carry around and whip out even when only your hands are feeling a bit dry,and let's face it: How cute is the pink polka dot packaging!!!
You can win one of these if you check out my International Giveaway, so I think even just for this, it's worth entering.

FM Baked Blush

I'll go ahead and admit I have no idea what brand FM is. My mother came to me one day and gave me this blush, and I have to say it looked so pretty and even prettier on my skin, that I decided to hang on to it.


Its first cameo on the blog, so everyone, a round of applause! The sad news is...lollipop didn't make it. The good news is, it was delicious!

But tell me, don't you have some pretty products you just love looking at and that make you feel way more girly than usual?

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  1. Haha! I'm glad the lollipop was delicious! It looks it!! :)

    The blush looks so cute, I also love the China Glaze nail varnish. Xx

    1. It was fully consumed! hehe
      That varnish is really for the days I feel extra girly, I like it a lot!

  2. This is such a lovely post, brilliant photo :)



  3. Love that photo, so cute!!! I love pink, I'll admit it :D

    1. hehe,we all do,you're just more brave to admit it. I try to resist the pink...and then this happens! :D
