Sunday, September 23, 2012

Polyvore Collage Day - Autumn

Exciting stuff, the first Polyvore Collage Day is here!

If you want to join and/or read more about it, here's the post with all the details.

This week's theme was voted to be autumn so without further ado, here's what my autumn looks like:

Autumn Collage

As I might have hinted, and will probably continue doing, the color I will be wearing a lot is navy and dark blue tones in general.
I also feel that we all need a cute, fluffy sweater for those days where you just wanna snuggle up in a sea of warm.
A good pair of jeans will save the day most of the times, so investing in something that can become a fast favorite is advised.
The Jeffrey Campbell boots are a bit of an obsession of mine and I haven't been fully convinced to buy a pair yet, but this could be the season.
And the Essie Bobbing for Baubles polish.... navy blue makes an appearance again! 

I couldn't really help myself and I made another collage, with some of the same items, but then a couple of others I wanted to include in the first collage but it would have gotten a bit too crowded if I had

Autumn Collage 2

UPDATE : You voted and Next Week's Theme is : Favorite Character from a TV Show


Pick your character and create away! 
Remember to publish them on Sept 30th and send me your email so I can send you the inLinkz code that links all our posts together!

If you wanna collage away next week, make sure you let me know in a comment or on Twitter @TreasureChestt you want to join.

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  1. These are great outfits!! I love the London kind of theme :) Ixx

    1. I think London tends to be a bit of an epitome of autumn. They invented tweed after all haha

  2. haha mental that we both picked out the same nail varnish!
    (also, i'm going to be rocking revlon's 'midnight' affair, I think you might like that seeing as you're on a navy kick!) xox

    1. I know! Clearly,we're awesome hehe.
      I'm gonna be on Essie's Bobbing for Baubles but the autumn mood lasted for very little time as we're back to almost 29C again

  3. I love the lace up boots! great outfits :) x

    1. I think I really should get me a pair. Sure I'd be almost 2 meters tall but heeeeeeeeeeey haha!
