Thursday, September 27, 2012

Swap Goodie Box Is Here!

Guess what arrived?

A while back, I signed up for a Blogger Swap that BBloggers Unite and the lovely Lola were doing, and got paired with the super awesome Rebecca who lives all the way Down Under in Australia.

Today, I woke up to the great surprise of her package being already here! I'm gonna be honest and say that I expected to take much more for it to arrive, I was already in patient mode when I got this awesome thing!

There's yummy chocolates (that have already been eaten up entirely and much enjoyed), serums,face mask, hair mask, nail polish, lip goodies and an amazingly smelling candle.

If I didn't know any better, I'd start suspecting that Rebecca has been spying on me because she was spot on with the nail polish color! I'm a mint maniac and can truly not get enough o the color!
Not to mention the candle,which was an awesome surprise as I also have a huge candle collection.

One thing I know I'll be showing you is the Paw Paw Lip Balm (bottom left corner in this picture). I'm thinking Paw Paw stands for Papaya? It has the most delicious smell and it gets along really well with my lips from what I've seen!

The best thing is, all of these are pure Australian! I love getting to try out products from a place so far away that I probably wouldn't have found out about otherwise.That's why I like swaps, they get you in contact with so many new and interesting products and with lovely people!

Thanks so so much Rebecca! Hope my package gets there soon too and you like it as much as I liked this one!

I cannot wait to try them out and let you know all about it!

Any one of them you want me to try first? Can't show off the chocolate anymore as it's in a much happier place now: my tummy.

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  1. That's such a good idea! So cute that you provided a little parcel for each other! Loving your blog btw - found it on Twitter and now your latest follower :)


    1. Oh my,thank you so much! It was my first swap and I think I got really lucky to be paired with Rebecca. Think I'll be doing more swaps in the future :D

  2. Awww this is incredible - would live the chance to try out things from other countries! I think China would be interesting but Australia looks crazy good too! Fab post - really enjoyed reading it! xxx

    1. I'm totally into asian things too, don't know of many chinese brands, but Japanese and S. Korean for sure!

  3. Amazing idea, i'd love to do that! Too bad i don't know anyone outside the UK! Lovely blog :) xxx

    1. You know me,and Rebecca now :) There's a lot of people you can do swaps with, either via the BBU Swap I mentioned or just by asking a blogger :)

  4. I'm so glad that it arrived safely and that you like it. Hopefully you can light the candle and lust about coming to Australia one day. I have a couch that is always avaliable!

    I'd be happy to do swaps/post Australian products for you guys (above) if there is antyhing inparticular you're dying to try!

    1. Oh I've been lusting about it for so long, maybe now the candle can inspire me to do something about it!
      Btw, the Paw Paw is amazing!

  5. Ah this looks amazing! So pleased you're happy with it all!

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