Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Swirl Nails Tutorial

Last week, I posted these Swirl Nails I had made, after first seeing them Here, and everyone was curious about how they were done. To be honest, even I needed a couple of attempts before finding an easy and pretty looking way to get them done.
And because everyone wanted to make them and didn't know how, it's time to post the Tutorial on how you can make Swirl Nails.

You Will Need:

- Two polishes of your choice
- Toothpick
- A plastic surface ( saran wrap or a plastic bag)

Step 1.
Pick your polishes and get a toothpick ready
Step 2.  
Spread out saran wrap or a plastic bag over a hard surface. I suggest you duct tape it in place so it doesn't move and ruin your polish while it's drying. Put a dab of the base polish and then a dab of the tip polish on top of it. You should make the whole dab more or less the size of your nails.
Step 3.  
Take your toothpick and swirl away! 
Step 4.
Well this is the part you need patience for : Let your swirl dry overnight, then using a toothpick or your nail, detach it from your plastic.
Step 5.
Put a base coat on your nail and BEFORE IT DRIES put the swirl on your nail. It will probably not fit perfectly so you can cut and bend it into shape. It also might be too small on the sides but that doesn't matter, it's really easy to fix!
Step 6.
After you've cut and formed your swirl transfer into shape, correct the edges with polish. Like you can see in the picture, the bottom ended up being uncovered, so I just put some extra pink polish where needed.

Clean it up, put a Top Coat on to hold it in place and you're ready to go!

I rally like that you're basically getting dry nails and all you have to do is wait for the top coat to dry, which, if you have a quick dry one, might just give you the fastest manicure you've ever had!

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial and I'd love if you let me know when you try it and show me the result!

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  1. You can do it other (easier way): apply one coat of nail-polish on your nail and then, while the first coat still hasn't dried apply second layer using a tooth-pick. Dip the tooth-pick into nail-polish and apply it instead of brush. Result is pretty awesome. Guaranteed! ;-)
    It is sth I did ages ago, but don't have patience and will to do anymore. ;-)

    1. i just don't like doing swirls with my left hand so this is much easier as I can just do all 10 with my right :P

  2. great tutorial! thank's for the idea :) x

