Saturday, October 13, 2012

Crunchy Autumn Nails Tutorial

The thing with nails is, you can do pretty much anything with them and can play with colors, textures, moods and so much more. To me, they mostly stand for a mood or the way I feel. Could also explain why I change them up every other day.
Since autumn has hit full on, and so has the autumn mood, I decided to create a bit of autumn on my nails. I usually don't stick leafs on my nails, but this time I found it to be necessary. You can only do so much with colors. In the end, browns and golds can be used at any time of the year, but the dry leafs only come around once.

So, without further ado, here’s what you too can do:

autumn nails glitter tutorial catrice in the bronx

First Up:  Collect your leafs and tear them into little pieces. I admit there's not that many dead leafs lying around just yet, so I just got one type. But I highly recommend getting all sorts of shapes, sizes and colors, it makes for a much cooler manicure!
Secondly:  Pick your polish. I went with Catrice - In the Bronx because it's all autumny and gives a really nice bronze effect
Thirdly: As your polish is still wet, carefully place pieces of your leafs on your nails. You need the polish to be wet so that they can stick properly. Push them down with a toothpick or something else that has a small tip

Then:  If you have some matching glitter, dab it on the sides of each piece of foliage so that it looks like that's what's keeping them in place. In fact, it will indeed also keep them better in place and it looks very pretty.

And Lastly:  Top Coat It! I suggest a thicker top coat if you have one, if not, just put two layers of a normal one on top for everything to come together and shine.

And Voila! This is what you will end up with!

autumn nails glitter tutorial catrice in the bronx

I actually like the fact that it looks like has some texture, even if you don't feel it because of the top coat.
It's a great autumn manicure and I’ve had many people stare at it and ask how I managed to do it. Well folks, hope you're reading this!

Have you tried any autumn manicure yet?

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  1. This is a really cute seasonal idea!

    1. I for some reason envision this manicure for Thanksgiving Dinner

  2. This actually looks really cool! Would you mind if I share this post in my 'weekly web likes' post? :)

    The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

    1. Of course not :) Just send over the link after, I'm curious about your weekly likes!

  3. This manicure looks amazing, so original!

    1. Thank you! I saw some leafs and thought,why not try and stick 'em on my nails

    2. Lol.. for winter, it would be cute to put on snowflakes... but they melt :( :P

  4. This is a really smart idea!! I LOVE IT :D


    1. Aw,thank you! I'm starting to wonder what else I could stick on them hehe

  5. Oh wow! What a fab idea, I love this huny! :D Looks GORG!

    Aysh xoxo

    1. It really did look so pretty, gonna have to do it again soon,before all the leafs fall out

  6. Wow, I love this! I think I'm gonna do it myself, too!
