Saturday, October 6, 2012

Easiest Autumn Nails

We're all a bit in an autumn nail craze, aren't we?
I know that if I could take autumn and plaster it all over my nails, I'd be a very happy camper, not to mention a very nature coordinated looking one.

So you wonder how o get

mi ny forever young essence special effect topper flakies autumn manicure tutorial

A happy accident made me realize I just need two things:

mi ny forever young essence special effect topper flakies autumn manicure tutorial

A red/dark red/metallic/golden polish and flakies. I used Mi Ny in Forever Young and the Essence Special Effect Topper Flakies.

I had completely forgotten about flakies, and as it so often happens, only  a look in my polish boxes made me remember them again.

The reason I suggested the above colors is because we're going for an autumn look. If you want spring feelings, get your pastel on!

What I like about the Essence topper is that the flakies somehow adapt to the polish,ranging from gold to ivory to red and orange, which makes it quite ideal for a lot of polish colors.

In any case, the one simple step to making your nails feel like foliage is throwing on the flakies!
It should look something like this:

mi ny forever young essence special effect topper flakies autumn manicure tutorial

Doesn't it look like the trees outside?
I was quite surprised by how pretty and how quintessentially autumnal the colors looked.

So my tip to you: Use those flakies!

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  1. These look great but I'm a bit confused by flakies, I've never heard of them, what are they? X

    1. do you see the little "bits" on top of the nail that have that orange/greenish reflection? Well those are the flakies, little multicolor well...flakes :)
      Do a google search for "Flakie nail polish" and you'll see that the world is full of 'em and they come in so many pretty colors :)

  2. It looks gorgeous! I wanna get my hand on some but heard Essence isnt selling them anymore :( What a bummer since the ones left on the market now are really expensive~


    1. I thought so too but then I saw them reappear again and then they didn't show up for a while. I'm not really sure if they're still there or not to be honest,will have to do some research. You can also make them yourself by getting flakes online and dipping them in transparent polish

  3. Perfect shade of red to go with the flakes! I think I would try this for Chinese New years too :) I do have an essence counter nearby so I ought to go take a peek if they carry this.

    1. I was surprised how well that red worked with the flakes too!

  4. This looks great! I love the effect the flakey nail polish has on the dark red one


    1. This one works really cool on the red. Now I'm really wondering if Essence still makes the flakies

  5. Look the effect of the flakey polish, looks fab x x

    1. Yeah! Wasn't expecting it to look this good either! :D

  6. Amazing nails and amazing blog!


  7. It looks like bonfire night...I love it!

  8. I've had some flakies top coat for a while...and it so happens my nails are this colour just now, so will put flakies on it asap,haha thx for the inspiration. No better time for this than autumn!

    1. My pleasure :) I've discovered the combo by accident too anyway hehe
