Saturday, October 27, 2012

Girly Obsessions: Cupcake Liners

Are you in cute mode?

You should be! Because up next are one of my cutest obsessions:  Cupcake Liners!

I am in complete like with them!!!

They come in so many colors and patterns that it's impossible not to develop some sort of fascination with  how pretty they are and how many kinds you can find!

In the picture above there's just a couple of the ones I own and I always enjoy baking little cupcakes in them and eating them up from these beautifully colored things!

How's your relationship with cupcake holders? Are you as fascinated by them as me or do you have any other pretty obsession?

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  1. My sister collects them, I used some and she just about murdered me haha x

    1. I'm a bit of a collector to,but I like eating cupcakes too,so I used them...eventually haha

  2. They are adorable. How could you ever use them though? I'd feel guilty...haha!!

    1. I love using the polka dot ones,then I feel sad throwing them away haha
