Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday Blues: Rhinestone Nails

Well... not technically rhinestones, but glitter that if placed well, will look like you have little gems on your nails.

It's a bit less blue than other Monday Blues posts, but I like to think it's blue enough to brighten up some grumpy Mondays.

w7 cosmic blue and kallos rhinestone glitter manicure

I own a silver ring that has exactly 3 blue stones in the middle, and one day, while looking at it I started wondering why I don't do that on my nails too.

Initially I just wanted to put a regular blue on some silver looking polish, but then I remembered I have some great blue glitter I haven't used nearly enough ever since I got it..

And thus, the nails were born!
You can see that the first two fingers are a slight bit off center but I'll just blame it on artistry.

w7 cosmic blue and kallos rhinestone glitter manicure

Doesn't this glitter just look like rhinestones? I was very surprised to see what a gorgeous effect it had when I started dotting it around the nail.

I used W7 Cosmic Blue that I got together with every other W7 glitter I could find. Yes...someone has a glitter problem, I know.
I put it over a long lost Kallos silver polish whose name got lost along the way.Not from my own fault, but because they number their polishes and stick the number in quite an insecure manner on the bottom. One wrong move and off goes your number.Let's just call it "awesome silver".

So what do you think, do you like it as much as me? I've been looking at it and giggling for a while now,hehe.

With that being said, here's the other sisters in blue doing their magic:

Gosia from Life in Color!
Mihaela from Lacquerbuzz
Marisa from Polish Obsession

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  1. so pretty, they really do look like rhinestones x

    1. I know,right? I was surprised they looked like that too! Awesome glitter,that one!

  2. What a pretty mani!! They really look like rhinestones. Nice!!

    1. I was so surprised with this glitter to! Wonder if the other W7 ones look like this too,need to try!

  3. Aaaaaaawwww I'm drooling!!!! I think they look better than rhinestones!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!

  4. Replies
    1. thankyou! It's surprisingly girly I think :)

  5. I wouldn't mind having the Monday Blues with those nails!

    1. I think you're right!At least there's something pretty to look at :P

  6. Oh wooooooooow!!! This looks amazing!!!! They look better than rhinestones! The effect is really amazing!


    1. Go to the Vordeelshop,it's the only place I saw W7 glitters and get the cosmic blue, you'll love it!
