Thursday, January 3, 2013

Beauty Disappointments in 2012

We've had the Best of 2013 that you can see HERE so why not write about the things I've tried and wish I had not? 
There will only be few of them, because when I buy something I usually do it when  I'm sure I'm going to like it. Don't like to go with trends or super talked about products just for the sake of it, so most of what I got last year has been satisfying, but there's two or three that were not so great.

Essence I Love Stage Eyeshadow Base
I'm not saying the products is bad but the color is a yellow/orange tone that looks like I have a liver disease.
Truth be told, I got it in a rush because I went into the store, saw no other eyeshadow primers, then caught a glimpse of this and just grabbed it.
Clearly, not the best idea. I've used it once and never since. Again, not saying the products is bad in itself but the color is just impossible. I don't know who it looks ok on to be honest.

Flormar Spiderlash Mascara
Can we discuss the name for a moment?  Why would you name a mascara Spiderlash? That's really the last thing I want my lashes to look like.
Other than that, it has a weird brush because from what I felt, it seemed to be stiff plastic. Not so great.
I got this at a beauty bloggers event and decided to try it, even if I know very well that I'm a fan of anything but fiber mascaras for a reason. They do not irritate, they nourish and have a lovely formula.
Well, this is not a fiber mascara. It does leave your lashes looking pretty long and natural, to my surprise, but it was not long before my eyes started to sting and became red. I had to wash it off immediately and it just consolidated my Fiber Mascara Only policy.

Mi-Ny Glam F Blue
This polish has a great color, as you can see in The Swatches Here but I really dislike using it because of the formula. I've noticed this was the only one from the brand with this formula, because all others I got were ok, but this one dried so slow and  need 3 or 4 coats to get a somewhat opaque looking result.
That's my only complaint, and that's why I've only used it once or twice since july, which is a pity since I really like the color.

Do you have any disappointing products you don't love as much as you expected to?

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  1. Girl ,it`s Flormar, not Farmasi :))

    Eu l-am folosit o singura data, e ok, dar nu prea imi place periuta si formula.

    Primerul de la essence nu ma incanta nici pe mine,dar nu din cauza culorii, ca e ok asa , dar dupa cateva ore se aduna fardul si se strica tot machiajul .

  2. It happens with me as well that i buy a product in hurry and later find out that it does not suit me or my type of shade.:)

    1. Shade is always an issue,and especially my yellowish tone is hard to find something fitting

  3. It's such a shame buying a product and realising you wasted your money! I actually really like the swatches of your nail polish you dislike, it sucks you need so many coats - but maybe try it on top of a pale, icy blue in future and use only one layer x

    1. I really like it too,but it takes forever to dry and I can't do anything for more than 2hrs. It's really unpractical sadly :(

  4. oh,eram interesata in legatura cu primerul essence..dar acum nu stiu ce sa spun :(

    1. Si eu il cam luasem cu incredere,dar acum imi pare rau,si cum zicea si don'shoara Iguanitza, nici ei nuu ii prea tine machiaju in loc

    2. Eu il folosesc la fiecare machiaj, adevarul este ca aplic si nyx jumbo milk peste el...dar l-am lasat si singur ... si nu am avut probleme..mi-a rezistat machiajul... culoarea pe care o ai tu mi se pare mai deschisa fata de a mea, nu inteleg de ce, ca doar nu este pe nuante. Probabil afecteaza rezistenta lui pleoapele uleioase. Eu nu le am , posibil de aceea sa imi reziste

    3. nu stiu ce sa zic, la mine nu prea sta. o sa ma intorc la primerul meu Hema care facea ce trebuia si era un alb sidefat foarte frumos pe pleoape.
      Cred ca la cateva persoane nu li se portiveste,evident eu fiind una din ele :))

  5. Si eu pregatesc lista cu dezamagirile :)

    1. Sa-mi trimiti si linkul ca sunt curioasa sa le vad pe ale tale! :)

  6. E bine ca te-au dezamagit doar 3 produse :D

    1. Chiar ma gandeam ca nu o sa pot face lista lunga,dar mai bine :p
