Monday, January 21, 2013

Half Framed Glitter Nails

Dear people, by the time you read this....I'll be at work. Yes,because it's Monday once more, but do not worry, for I have pretty nails to keep me company!

glitter and black halfmoon framed half framed nails w7 cosmic blue swatch

My "halfmoon-but not really-more like contour-or is it half a frame-can't put my finger on it" nail obsession started with me wearing a variation of these nails for New Year's Eve, in gold, that you can see HERE.
They're so easy to do and you can combine them in more ways than I can count. Not to mention how amazing they always look.
I prefer combining them with either a black or dark blue base and something metallic or glittery on top. The first post was golden, this time I'm showing you glitter.
W7 Cosmic Blue has got to be my favorite glitter polish. First up, it's a gorgeous shade of blue and secondly, it seems to look good with pretty much anything.
I just needed two coats to make this happen.

glitter and black halfmoon framed half framed nails w7 cosmic blue swatch

Of course, it's a bit tricky to make a half moon or any clear shape with glitter, because it's all over the place, but if you're not too fixated on small details, the end result looks pretty great I think.

I think you should prepare for more variations of these kinds of nails because I REALLY like them. I strongly suggest you give them a try yourself as they're easier to do than you'd think and the end result is gorgeous!

But enough about me, here are the other ladies who like blue nails on a Monday:

Gosia from Life in Color!
Mihaela from Lacquerbuzz
Marisa from Polish Obsession 
Mandy from Chameleon Stampede    

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  1. Gorgeous!! You always have such pretty nailsdesign ideas :) xx

    1. Aaaw,thankyou! I have a blue glitter obsession to be honest :P xxx

  2. Replies
    1. Yep,my favorite!
      The color is really stunning I think

  3. This is such a cool look! Love the contrast of the black and the glitter.

    1. You know I'll de trying on all my glitters likt this,right? hehe

  4. e superb oja w7 <3 arata bestial de bine :D
