Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What My Last Day In 2012 Looked Like

Just a fast post to show you what my New Year's Eve looked like. Maybe yesterday you were still recovering and today you're a bit more fit to read a blogpost. 
I say this because I too was recovering yesterday.
Wanted to show you the manicure I wore on New Year's Eve. I saw this on Whatihearttoday and VivianaDoesMakeup and really figured it would be a good year end mani.

Wasn't that bad for a first attempt, was it?

And also, a great thing I started my day with was a tea called Savannah which had rosebuds in it and tasted absolutely delicious.
It's in my mug from work, so less pretty,more practical packaging. 

What I really enjoyed was the fireplace. I never realized how relaxing staring at it is, not to mention it's idea when you come back inside and just want to be warm. I think I spent most of my night bundled up next to it.

How was your last night of 2012? Hope you enjoyed it!

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  1. Ohh your mani looks awesome! I want to try that but I know I'll fail!
    Excellent for a first try! xx


    1. It's surprisingly easy, you just do the middle of your nail as if you were painting a smaller nail. Basically it's just a stripe and if I could do it with my left hand,it must be easy hehe xx

  2. That tea looks delicious, I spent my new years eve at a party :) Happy 2013 x


    1. It definitely was! Hope you had a lot of fun xxx

  3. So adorable :X
