Monday, February 4, 2013

My Nails:One Shade or Two?

I was planning on doing something pretty different for today's Monday Blues but then I remembered my W7 Blue Mirror   polish and wanted to combine it with another blue.
The fun thing about it is that it turned out pretty cool and you can't really tell it's two shades until you look a bit closer.

Looks pretty monocolor, doesn't it?
That's the fun thing about it, that I discovered only when I tried o combine the two. The non mirror blue just looks like there's a shadow on my nail.
But let's look a bit closer.

How great do these two colors work!
Also, I'm sorry for the sponge that has been left behind on my nail and gives it a bit of a gritty look, but as I was patting away I noticed a bit too late that sponge pieces got stuck behind and after they already dry, you don't want to pull them out because they'll come out with buddies. Those buddies being parts of my polish.

I'm really liking this Blue Mirror thing the more I wear it. You may or may not have seen it before, but just in case here's the actual post About It and the swatch.

I'm crossing my fingers that by next week I'll have my long coveted Sally Hansen Gunmetal to show, but that really depends on how the fellaz at the post office work. So, wishing you the highest of speeds there guys!

But until then, we have some more ladies showing off their blues:

Gosia from Life in Color!
Mihaela from Lacquerbuzz
Marisa from Polish Obsession
Mandy from Chameleon Stampede   


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  1. So pretty! xx

  2. I love your nail pictures. Just want to go into nail pics and not too sure about the the pics but yours are great.

  3. Beautiful! Sponge or not, it looks great! :)
