Monday, February 11, 2013

The First Duct Tape Manicure Attempt

I've always liked those cool little stripes on nails but never really got to doing them. I liked the different kinds of things you can do with just a bit of scotch tape, so yesterday I was looking at my nails ( which were painted in one of my new favorite colors! Post on it to follow) and figured it could be a good time to try some tape on them.

Now, time and time again I've been repeated the importance of your nail polish to be absolutely dry in order to pull it off, and I can only confirm it. Let that base polish dry and dry some more. Ideally, if you have the time, wait for a day for it to settle properly. And also, when using the normal duct tape, stick it on the palm of your hand a couple of times so it loses stickiness and becomes less prone to coming off with nail polish.   
stripe duct tape manicure nail art nyx robotic kallos no 17 love nail polish swatch

Ta - daaaa!

Don't you think that bronzey -rose gold is just fantastic? I'm obsessed with it right now! And like I said, you'll see a post about it soon, because I'm very proud of myself for buying it.
On top, I used NYX Robotic, which I seem to not use so much on its own, but a lot more combined with other things. Though I have to admit, it's a glorious blue color with the perfect shimmer in it.

I figured same pattern on all nails would be a bit boring so I went ahead and did different things. The ring finger was the first one I did, as you can probably tell by the not too perfect line, but I think I did pretty decent on the rest.
The pattern on the middle finger could work pretty awesomely for making a Scottish flag, don't you think?
One day I'll go all Braveheart and make it happen!

And since we're talking blue, these lovely ladies also painted their nails to beat the blues:

Gosia from Life in Color!
Mihaela from Lacquerbuzz
Marisa from Polish Obsession
Mandy from Chameleon Stampede   

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  1. cred ca e mai usor cu banda aceea de pe ebay. eu am 10 mini-role. daca vrei iti donez cu placere una-doua ca eu se pare ca nu prea am rabdare sa le folosesc

    1. a da,le stiu da niciodata n-am apucat sa iau :P

  2. Love the nails! The bronze colour is so prettyyyy :)


  3. This looks fantastic!!! I'm glad you tried the tape mani and I'm looking forward to seeing more on your blog!!!!

  4. Looks good although I am not really liking the combo of the 2 colours together.


    1. Now my first choice of colors either but I think they fit pretty well in the end. In real life they do look much nicer tho :)
