Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Gifts and Gift Ideas

valentines wishlist

Guess what day it is? Yep, the one and only!
And if you're sitting here today not knowing what gift to give or what you could gift yourself, here's some suggestions.

Jewelry: If you plan on giving jewelry, make sure the one receiving it will not misinterpret the idea behind the item. You really don't wanna give someone a ring where you think it makes for a nice present and the recipient is hyperventilating because they expect a ceremony to follow. Unless that's your plan, then go for it!
An easy way to avid that, is to make it Valentine's Day themed. Like the ring I included in this collage, pick one that has a heart in it, or "love" written on it, so that it's easy to see that it was given especially for this day.

Cosmetics: Keep it generic, because Lord knows that's easy for V Day. Is it pink? Then it's good!
In my opinion make-up is a tricky thing to gift, unless you have specific indications on what to buy. A pink or pastel nail polish can work great. Same thing goes for glitter polish.
Some pretty packaged bath product can be spot on, or a pretty hand cream. You will also find a lot of gift sets especially created for the occasion. I also included this Fresh rose face mask because of the scent and because it's not saying "your skin looks like it needs some help" but "you deserve some pampering" . Which brings me to the next category.

Scents: There's a couple of romantic scents. The first one my boyfriend picked was rose and he's very right about that. Pretty flowery scents, along with vanilla or other sweet and candy like fragrances fit right in with the occasion. Fruity scents can be a bit trickier because nobody wants to get lemons for Valentine's Day, so my advice is to pick berries if you want to be safe.

Chocolates: The rescue in need. Always go for chocolates when everything else fails. We all know how big the choice is with that. You can find them anywhere and everywhere in all shapes,flavors and sizes and I have yet to see someone deny chocolate. It's just too good not to!

Don't know what you got planned for today, but I hope you got some ideas if you needed them and will enjoy every bit of the day!

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