Saturday, April 13, 2013

Making THE Best Smoothie Out There

A while ago, I went to my favorite smoothie makers and saw a very interestingly named smoothie: The Strudel Smoothie.
I was also confused as to how a smoothie was going to become a strudel but the ingredients looked magnificent: muesli, apple, cinnamon and honey.
The bigger surprise came when I tasted it and it was incredible! It had that familiarly delicious taste that I don't necessarily associate with a strudel but definitely with baked goods from when I was small.It was pretty magical and I was surprised that somebody had managed to create such a thing.
So you can imagine I tried to recreate it, the great part about it was, it was incredibly easy to recreate spot on. So here's how you can do it too:

strudel smoothie, strudel shake recipe apple cinnamon oatmeal honey apple shake smoothie

Step 1 : Gather up your ingredients. Muesli (I picked oats because they give it a delicious thickness), some cinnamon, milk and an apple
Step 2: Cut and slice whatever needs to be sliced. I actually use an apple and a glass of milk per portion and it works out great. I also suggest using as much oats as you want, you will want it of a thicker consistency.
Step 3: Throw everything in a blender and add some honey. Again, the quantity is completely up to you.
Step 4: Pour it and enjoy it!

I am pretty sure you will experience the same kind of love at first taste that I did! 

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  1. Yumm, this sure looks yummy! I'm jotting the recipe down for a little dessert substitue for my diet :D

    xx, (would love if you'd check out my blog/follow on bloglovin! <3)

    1. I'll even follow on Tumblr :)
      Btw your 'love' bracelets is so cute! And Trust me, you will love this smoothie,it tastes incredibly yummy x

  2. Yummy! Arata asa de bine <3 Sigur este tot atat de gustos!
