Friday, April 26, 2013

Sabon Shower Oil

Hello children of the spring! Is everyone as excited about the warm things that are happening outside? I've been  in a VERY good mood now for almost a week, which also coincides with the start of spring.
And since we're talking spring, why not talk summer? And since we're talking summer, let me tell you about a shower oil I got a while ago that smells INCREDIBLE!
It's called Sweet Summer  and it's from Sabon.

   You might know that I'm a big shower oil fan, especially since my skin tends to dry out. So having something that has oil in it makes me merry happy.
What I like about the shower oils from Sabon is that you have about 7 or 8 smells to pick from. My nose was very satisfied about said fact and even if I would have wanted to go for the pink one, it didn't smell like roses quite as I hoped. But this, even being green, smells incredible. It's sweet just enough. None of that sweetness overdose that I really dislike,and for the rest it's just a good mix of fruity and floral. Marvellous combination. 

As far as the actual product is concerned, it is much nicer to your skin than a regular shower gel because it has olive, avocado, jojoba and wheat germ oil added. Now, in my opinion,they could have maybe added a bit more of those oils because when you dry off, even if you dry off gently, you still don't feel much moisture on your skin.
It doesn't leave my skin dry, but it's not really a "these 4 oils work wonders!" moment.

Of course, the good part is that it's SLS and Paraben Free and compared to the Almond Shower Oil from L'Occitane it probably costs around 20% less. 

But like I said, I would have expected a more oily feel at the end, than it actually gives. Other than that, I'm obsessed with the smell and each time I step out of the shower, the whole bathroom smells incredible. 

Have you tried any of their shower oils or shower oils in general?                   

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1 comment:

  1. This sounds lovely. I am currently lusting after the aromatherapy associates inner strength shower oil. Love a good shower oil!
