Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week In Pictures # 11

It's officially awesome outside. Went out on the balcony this morning, the sun was shining, and even if there was some wind blowing, it was warm. This week has been pretty gloomy weather-wise, but by the end I could even start making proper pictures of spring sunsetsm which is incredible. It seems like just now it was October and I know winter has been suspiciously persistent but I'm quite confident that's over and done with and we're back to the place where it only goes uphill.So that was the weekly weather discussion, now let's get to the pictures!

Amazing spring polish of the week #2 / Yep, that is chocolate!

First proper spring sunset / The less that satisfactory cookie. Even chewing gum is more tender  

Idiot pose presenting spring polish of the week # 2 / I like asian food but this was just bad!

Decisions, decisions / The most used tools of the week

I've waited a long time for such a great blush / Why does my can say 59p when our currency is vastly different?     

And one more thing that hasn't been photographed but that has fascinated me this week was a movie called Shame.  

To be honest, it wasn't a movie I wanted to see, but within 48hrs I had heard so much praise that I decided to watch it one evening.
There is a whole lot of things that need getting used to in it, maybe even starting from the theme of it, but it's been a very long time that I've seen a movie that I want to see again and where by the end of it, I looked back and thought "wow". It's somewhat disturbing, but I  think that it's disturbing because it's incredibly realistic. That, combined with a brilliant director and a main character played creepy well. And I do mean creepy well. If you've watched the movie and now wonder if Michael Fassbender is actually disturbed deep down, I ask myself the same thing. He does a much too good job at playing that character.

I have a feeling I might need to do an entire post about this movie because if I don't stop now, it will completely take over. So stay tuned, because I'm writing the sequel.

Have you seen this movie? I'd love to hear what you have to say about it.


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  1. Si eu m-am intrebat de ce scrie 59p pe doza de cola cand mi-am luat in urma cu cateva saptamani :) Mi-ai facut pofta de ciocolata, arata asa delicios <3

    1. poate ar trebui sa verificam cand expira :)) cine stie din ce tura sunt.
      Ciocolata aia e super simplu de facut. topesti o poiana,milka,orice de lapte si presari peste ce vrei tu cat e inca lipicioasa. Eu am pus skittles si haribo

  2. I love all the 3 shades you were wearing :) xxx

    1. The third one wasn't such a lucky pick. My hand looked a bit undead with that much too electric blue hehe xxx

  3. I like the Sally Hansen one more than the China Glaze one x
