Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week In Pictures #13

Happy Sunday everyone! I have this slight feeling that I'm going to be able to sleep some more after writing this post, but that's what Sundays are for,right? 
Last week we went from nice spring to full on summer, with 34C yesterday. For the record, I am in no way complaining! Sunshine just makes me the happiest camper, so here's the photos to prove it.

 Best smell in the entire world!  / You know it's happytimes when you can whip out the sunscreen

 Basically, I just liked the label a lot / Can we say 'perfect spring color' ?

 Don't remember how this mango passionfruit thing was called but it was delicious / Urban lunching at its finest

 Bust of the week: diabetes in a can. You need water to wash off the sweetness.But the description looked promising / Got myself a little jasmine plant and it smells incredible

Sunday breakfast at its best

And now,I shall leave you with another pictures that made me burst out in laughter last week. I truly don't know who makes them but he deserves my heartfelt congratulations


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  1. That's a mango passion fruit frappacuino(don't quote me on the spelling of that), it's my favourite Starbucks drink. Especially love grabbing one when in Edinburgh during festival season, so refreshing x

    1. It was a kinda slurpee but definitely delicious. Might be the frappuccino, I have very limited memory for those things .
      I also am sure in summer many of them will be consumed :D x

  2. Your week looked awesome! I love me some food pics :)

    1. I gotta admit...I like taking pictures of food most too haha. Food and flowers
