Thursday, May 23, 2013

My Top 10 Spring Polishes with Swatches

Spring is definitely here,heck summer is almost around the corner but that's no problem at all because I'm giving you my Top 10 Spring and Summer shades with the yummiest and most joyful of colors I've been loving on my nails.

If you click on the name of each polish, you will get to see the posts where I've worn this polish. Most of them will have swatches, for the rest, check the pretty SwatchBook below.
From left to right: Mi-Ny Forever Young , China Glaze Surfin' For Boys, OPI Hot & Spicy , China Glaze Hang Ten ToesBondi Botanical Beauty , Sally Hansen The Real TealAustralis SweetpeaBarry M Mint Green , Essie Mojito Madness and Sally Hansen Yellow Kitty.

In case you missed the post about the Swatch Book, you can check it out HERE and fill it up with your favorite or all of your polishes.

So what do you think? What are your spring nail colors?

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  1. Great colours, I love Barry M's Mint Green x

    1. I'm such an obsessive mint polish collector! As you can see, I put two of them on here hehe x

  2. That china glaze pink is AMAZING!!

  3. All of them are amazing but my top 3 is Bondi Botanical Beauty, China Glaze Surfin' for boys (a big lol @ its name) and Australis Sweetpea

    1. Botanical Beauty is probably the perfect spring shade along with Sweetpea. I wouldn't mind just having those two to use all spring long.

  4. The Bondi shade looks gorgeous! x

    1. It does, doesn't it? If you can imagine that, it looks 10 times better on your nails than it does in any photo xx

  5. Love the mint ones!

  6. i love the swatch book. super cute idea. and i love these fun, summery colors.

    the painted ninja
