Wednesday, May 29, 2013

On My Nightstand | The Flu Edition

The past week or so I've managed to have the privilege of not being able to use my airways to their full extent. What am I saying, I haven't been able to use them at all. That's why, I would like to show you some of the things that have been keeping me good company during this time.

Tissues and lots of 'em! As you can see I stacked up quite a bit, but by now I've use them so much that my brain hurts from the intense nose blowing. Speaking of noses, one cannot survive without the nose drops. I'd like to tell you more about the miraculous teal drops but all I know is the doctor has spoken and I listened. Then of course, my friend for sinus: Nurofen. I don't like taking pills of any sort, and only grab one in cases of almost certain death know...sinus shattering pain. I can always rely on these pills though to save the day.
In terms of Vitamins, you need them! I chose to chew on Goji Berries because they're the all round miracle fruit. Another favorite have been lemons which I just put in anything I could.
Then, for some breathing help, I dragged along the Mint Essential Oil because it helps with clearing the airways.

And then, finally some "beauty" bits. I had completely forgotten how dehydrated you get when you're sick. My lips have not been this dry for as long as I can remember, but thank God for the Nuxe Reve de Miel , because it is the thickest, most "I wanna stay on!" lip balm I have met.At one point though, the texture started feeling too thick and I switched to the MOA Balm . Now, let me tell you, without this balm I would have been really bad off. Because it has acted as a face cleanser,moisturizer,nose soother from the constant tissue rubbing and lip balm. It contains Tea Tree Oil (among many other great oils) and my skin decided it only wants to have the MOA at one point. The smell was also perfect for a sicko such as myself, as it was both soothing and refreshing. Cleaned my face perfectly and kept it hydrated so well that you couldn't even tell I was sick from just looking at my skin's state. At one point, the thing was actually glowing and I had to take a moment and laugh at the contradiction. I mean, I was suffering there and my skin was just flourishing away.

So now you know what my nightstand currently looks like and what's been keeping me well during this nice time.

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  1. si eu am acum gripa si e atat de aiurea! Abia astept sa imi revin :(

    1. Asa ce misto e? Eu acum imi pot folosi nasu incet :))

  2. What are Goji Berries??? I like it already! :-)

    1. Superberries! haha
      here :)
