Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week In Pictures # 16 - The Cupcake Diaries

This post should be called The Cupcake Diaries because I've somehow managed to stuff myself with cupcakes or similar treats for most of the week. It all started last Sunday with baking a few and then running into them for many days to come.

Never liked liquorice but this is good! / The little proud pink cupcake
Cupcakes galore / Trying liquorice with buttercream...maybe not so much
 The finished product: After Eight cupcake / As posh as macarons come. Yes, that is milk in a plastic's utterly regal what's happening there
 The evolution of the cucumber: from office experiments with plastic plates and pretty comatose cucumber to fresh cucumber with vinaigrette dip
Warm enough to wear my favorite print again / You see that heart shaped cloud formation?

Hope your week went by great and I wish you many yummy treats for the week to come! 

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  1. The pink cupcake looks so yummy. I'm drooling!
    Btw tan legs, mademoiselle, tan legs.

    1. Well,it's progress from pasty white legs haha xxx

  2. That after eight cupcake sounds amazing! x

    1. I do believe it's my favorite too. I've pimped up the cream a bit and it was SOOO good! *dribble dribble*

  3. Replies
    1. Ma mir ca sunt inca la aceeasi greutate dupa saptamana trecuta :))
