Saturday, June 1, 2013

Best of May

Are you guys aware it's June already? It was just May! Heck, it was just winter and now it's almost summer again. Pretty amazing how time flies, but in case it flew too fast, here's a recap of what happened on the blog this past month.

ombre dotted manicure nails favorite spring polishes cherries DIY face mask
We of course started off with April Favorites. As you can see from the picture, we had quite a few of 'em

What followed was the yummy 4 - Step DIY Banana Oatmeal Face Mask.

And since I was feeling in need to green up my diet, I wrote about How Easy You Can Fix Unhealthy Eating Habits.

To top it all off, we all know I'm a sucker for nail polish so it started with the Top 10 Polishes For Spring and ended last Monday with Ombre Dotted Nails ( which, may I say, might just be my favorite mani of the month)

And don't forget to check out the Summer inspired GIVEAWAY I have going on!

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