Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Fastest Holy Grail Addition: Badger Balm For Hardworking Hands

A couple of days ago I got my first order off iHerb. Needless to say I've been hearing way too many things about that website so I decided to give it a go. Delivery took a while, a while longer than I'm used to with packages from the US of A, but it got here so that was a good start.
I had only ordered a few things, to see how well the whole thing works, and amongst those "few things" was also the following balm I am going to show you: The Badger Balm

the badger company Badger Balm For Hardworking Hands review
I took this picture to show you just how huge the tin is. I was truly expecting something small with some balm in it, but these guys deliver! Needless to say it's a bargain to get a fully organic 60g balm for just 7$.

What it does is smoothing,soothing and improving dry or rough skin on hands or any other parts of the body that need it. I mean, this is a balm not a body lotion so it's meant for parts that need a bit of extra love, like dry elbows, feet or hands.

My hands tend to get a bit dry and sometimes, being an overeager running, my feet feel the pain of too much stomping also. Those are actually my only dry areas that qualify for balm treatment and I have to say: it is MAGNIFICENT!
My biggest surprise came when after applying it on my hands the night before and washing them in the morning, I could still feel the smoothness the balm had provided. It wasn't an oily layer but I could feel that my skin was protected from drying out from the water...if that made any sense. Of course, my feet shared the joy because my stomp patches had gone from "ouch" to "aaaah" by the time morning hit.

And if that soothing wasn't enough, here's another immense plus in the form of Ingredients:

the badger company Badger Balm For Hardworking Hands review

 Can you tell how good that looks? I had been doing some reading about Wintergreen recently and I was amazed by what that oil can do. So all the more reason to be excited it was an ingredient here. And if you do some reading about Castor oil you will want to bathe in it all day,every day.

It smells incredibly familiar and soothing with a hit of beeswax and a bit of menthol to it. Not at all overpowering and when you smell it, it actually makes you think it can heal.

the badger company Badger Balm For Hardworking Hands review

I am in any case incredibly thrilled with this and I'm already planning on buying more of their balms. They do cuticle balms, balms for sleep, for sensitive skin (appropriately named Baby Balm ), anti bug balm, headache and a whole lot of other awesome balms. You can see them listed here if you're interested. All I can say is that I'm hooked and that come winter this is bound to be a lifesaver!

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  1. Nice review~ Sounds amazing :)

  2. This sounds amazing I could almost smell it by the way you describe it haha I always imagine how something would smell if it is well described :) xx

    1. Ha! Well hope I did a good job at making it smell accurate to you, I gave it a pretty subjective description there :P

  3. i love the badger sleep balm!!! Xxxx

    1. I need to try that one! Does it really provide peace and calm sleepies? xxxxx
