Saturday, July 20, 2013

How I Clean My Face

I think all of us have gone through some testing phases until getting to the revelatory point where the cleansing routine has been satisfyingly settled.
Well, my experiment phase seems to have lasted until a couple weeks ago, when many wonderful pieces came together and formed : The Face Cleansing Routine

And with this I'm excluding the part where I remove my eye make-up and throw some micellar water on to be sure all is gone. I know many cleansers say they take off waterproof make-up and all, but I prefer to reduce the rubbing to a minimum, especially around my eyes. That's why I use an efficient removed for that area and then get into the real cleaning with other things so that my skin is breathing happily.

For the record, I do this routine mostly in the evening because my skin is quite good and doesn't need excessive cleansing.  I do sometimes use the Moa Balm under my BB cream in the morning tho, to replace the face oil when I want to change it up a bit.

Here we go then:

The Burt's Bees Orange Essence Facial Cleanser has got to be the best cleanser I have ever tried. As opposed to most cleansers, this thing actually has a real amount of orange oil and it was the first time in my life that after using a cleanser, I felt my skin still be a bit oily. And this is a  gel cleanser, so for the fact that it is so great for dry skin, it gets all the points from me.Not to mention that it also removes make-up effectively, but like I said, I prefer less scrubbing in order to get that one off. 

When I want my skin to feel squeaky clean I will opt for Good Things Fresh Start cleanser. This one doesn't dry out the face, but you feel that it has been cleansed and that you best add some extra moisture to it. Does a great job nevertheless.

Once or twice a week, I also go for the Burt's Bees Peach and Willow Bark Deep Pore Scrub simply because I want to clean things as deep as I can.The surface is a good place to start, but in order to keep the surface happy,you need to make sure the deeper layers are also content. What I completely adore about it is the fact that is has actual peach kernel pieces through it,which do the scrubbing.

And last but not least, my absolute favorite, the Moa Balm. If I were to chose one thing that can do all the cleansing from start to finish and moisturize, it is this product. Basically, it can take your make-up off, even better than the Burt's Bees cleanser actually, it cleans your pores (it is great for acne prone skin) and it moisturizes with its mix of oils.

What are your cleansing favorites?Have you tried any of these?

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  1. Nice cleansing routine! Mine is pretty simple too. I just use my Clarisonic every other day and cleanse with my Simple Cleasner :)

    1. Ah, the Clarsonic is a great alternative. Will probably get one in the future,when my skin will get more fussy

  2. Burt's Bees Orange Essence Facial Cleanser is my fav. Sadly, its priced too high in our country and found only in one shop so, cannot use it everyday *sob sob*

    I loved your simple routine :D

    1. Where do you live? I think does free delivery to europe and maybe even worldwise,not sure. But definitely check that out as this cleanser is much cheaper there than in the store

  3. I'm off to look up the moa balm right away, I've never seen that before. I've also never tried Burt's Bees facial products, they do sound lovely I must say.

    I use the Good Things cleanser too, I think it is really nice :)
    Amy xx
    -A Little Boat Sailing
