Friday, July 12, 2013

Muji Candles - My Two Favorites

I'm sure many of you are not familiar with Muji, much like I myself wasn't either until that one evening trip to Selfridges.When going out of the book department, I saw a pile of tin cases with the most perfect label on them. I soon realized they were candles and that they had combined some of my favorite things: Scented candle, great packaging and the cuteness of Asian products.

muji tin candle review pomelo lychee jasmine black olive muji candles
 The fact that they only cost £ 3,50 is pretty incredible to me, and I would have gotten many more, just that, in my moment of vast inspiration, I had only flown to London with a backpack. You can imagine how little fits in there. That's why I ended up getting just two: Jasmine & Black Olive and Pomelo and Lychee.
Now, I just want to tell you, there was one called Log Fire and it was the exact and absolute smell of the one achieved during actual log fire. I think I might want that one for winter.
I'm happy I was able to resist because once I start sniffing candles I have an urge to buy them all and the only reason no Diptyque ones were purchased was because I was afraid they wouldn't survive the transportation.
If I'd live in London, my place would be an altar dedicated to gorgeous smells and an endless array of candles. So many options, love it!

But back to my candles

muji tin candle review pomelo lychee jasmine black olive muji candles

I think my color palette OCD also kicked in when it came to picking them because once I had fallen for Pomelo and Lychee I of course needed a second one. 

Pomelo and Lychee is slightly sweet, tender, fruity and floral all at once. It smells a bit like blooming trees in spring, but a bit sweeter and fresher. I'll be honest and say pomelo and lychee both smell of nothing to me,or of very little, but the combination offered here is pure perfection. I'd call it the smell of well-being actually.

Jasmine & Black Olive  smells like what you'd expect it to: Jasmin. But it's not too overpowering, like most jasmin scented things tend to be. I think the "black olive" part tones it down and gives it a very subtle bitterness. Which for me is very welcome, as I'm not a fan of sweet smells anymore.

Of course, the favorite of the two is Pomelo and Lychee  simply because I'm into fresher smells but the next time I get to Selfridges, there will be a Muji haul.

muji tin candle review pomelo lychee jasmine black olive muji candles
And can I just ask: how great is the packaging? Simple and spot on. I love the combination of raw materials and metal with raw paper is just ideal to me. If someone would have added leather to this, I would have looked like that meme that goes "Take my money!"

You can find Muji candles at Selfridges or online On their Website as I have just noticed.

So, are you too fans of candles?

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  1. They sound and look nice! :) I'm not huge on candles but there great every once in a while for me.

  2. I didnt know these were around! We dont have a selfridges in the northeast where i live! They sound amazing :)

    from Brigitte at BreezeyBee Blog | BlogLovin' | Twitter

    dont forget to enter my RiRi Woo Giveaway Here

  3. I have to try these! I am a huge candle fan and these scents smell amazing :D I didn't realize Muji did candles and now I am super excited! :D x

    Beaumaquillagex | Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  4. I love Muji Candles, my fav is their candyfloss - lush x
