Friday, July 19, 2013

My Yardley Fascination

Most of you might be familiar with Yardley, since it's the world's oldest cosmetics and perfume producing company. It's been around the UK since 1770. Now of course, if you're not from the UK or have grown up around people infatuated by the british culture, you might not have heard of Yardley. 
I'm one of those people who grew up with lavender love all around me. For a long while I was indifferent to the smell but it goes to show, as you grow older, your tastes can change drastically.

That's why, I'm  in a phase where I truly enjoy the smell of Yardley's English Lavender. 
For a lot of people lavender is associated with elderly citizens and I even had someone say that it smells like someone's grandmother. But I tend to disagree. Lavender has such a gorgeous smell that you can just inhale to the bottom of your lungs and it leaves you wanting more.
It's one of those smells that doesn't give you headaches ( if you don't overdose of course) and that is a perfect kind of subtle.
Basically, I'm very in like with this smell. Not to mention that it lasts on you surprisingly much. The preferred area of application for me is behind the ear as it has few "natural enemies" there that make it fade away. And the fact that 4 or 5 hours after applying it, someone still complimented me on the smell, is a pretty grand thing.

You can find these at any Boots in the UK and at some pharmacies around Europe. At least here where I live, I've seen them around pharmacies called Centrofarm if I'm not mistaken.
As for the packaging, it really looks gorgeously english and makes me go back in time a bit each time I hold it in my hand.

Have you used Yardley products yet? And if you want to know my take on some other scents they offer, I still have a couple here.

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