Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Burt's Bees Peach&Willow Bark Deep Pore Scrub Review

As a huge Burt's Bees fan, I was afraid I might be biased about this scrub, but I was very relieved to notice there was no reason to be afraid because it lived up to my expectations and even went beyond.

I got this because I wanted a proper scrub and because I used a serum that gave me blackheads. Before that, I had never even known how they look like, let alone see them on my face. The fact was, my pores got filled up from it and I wasn't happy about it.
Sure, detox and deep cleanse masked helped too, but not that much, because I never really got rid of them. Needless to say, after using this scrub twice, they were gone,never to be heard of again.

I really like the fact that it's dry and sensitive skin friendly.It scrubs, but it's remarkably gentle leaving an almost oily film behind. It's gone in a few seconds but it helps your skin not feel abused and polished to death.

As with all Burt's Bees ingredients.... I love them! The main reason for always going back to them is in fact their choice of ingredients.

And the coolest thing that I experienced while using this scrub was it actually has peach kernel pieces! I couldn't believe it when I first squeezed it out of the tube!

It's thick and creamy and cleans everything! I'm immensely happy with this product!

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  1. I had a little sample size of it and I really liked it too :)

    1. I hadn't tried it before,but like all Burt's Bees product,they don't disappoint

  2. This sounds lovely. I use a scrub daily so I'm intrigued by this. I love Burt's Bees.

    Water Painted Dreams

    1. I think the peach kernel particles are so cool! Very different from any scrub I've used

  3. I saw this and wanted to buy it but I haven't until now!! Sounds so good. xx

    1. Methinks you should give it a try,it really does what it says
