Friday, August 2, 2013

Decorating With Washi Tape

Washi tape is one of my absolute favorite things.It is a tape made of a specific type of paper that comes from Japan.It is commonly made using fibers from the bark of the gampi tree and ever since a lovable genius put it in tape form I too can play with it! And how I like to do so! 
It has been used to decorate most things I could find appropriate, but one of my favorites have been glass containers where candles were going to be placed.

I got mine at Paperchase, which is a familiar name for those of you living in the UK, but I have seen it at your regular craft or even office supply stores.

You have no idea how I love playing with these things and especially since they're sticky and you don't need extra aids in getting them to stay in the place you put them. What I know about myself is that if in front of a stand full with Washi tape, I might return home with a bag full of it because there's just so many patterns, colors and textures that you feel like a Pokemon master where you gotta have 'em all!

I feel like congratulations are in order since I managed to refrain myself from buying no more than these three, but you can use them in SO many ways! 
Like I said, I like to pimp glass containers with them most, but you can use them for collages, you can use them for masking ( since it is a bit of a masking tape ), or even for organizing purposes. I mean, having a pretty tag like this makes it all a bit better.

Have you ever played around with washi tape? What did you do with it?

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  1. I really love using washi tape. I like to use it to prettify packages :)

    Water Painted Dreams

  2. This is so cute! I need to get myself some of this, I'd never heard of washi tape before :D xo

    Beaumaquillagex | Beauty & LIfestyle Blog
