Friday, August 9, 2013

Soap Lovin' | The Scottish Fine Soap Company Jasmine Soap

You might be aware of this or not, but I like soaps. A lot! And not necessarily to use them in the shower or bath because many times they just remain untouched as I don't want to ruin their beauty. 
I like them because of the work that goes into them, the selection of ingredients, the whole process of creating a little cube of utter beauty.
Now when I say soaps, I mean those handmade, artisanal ( at least artisanal looking), beautifully crafted ones. Nothing against Dove, Palmolive and co. but mass production has never warmed my creative heart.
And on my birthday, my wonderfully perceptive friend presented me with a gorgeous mint tin with an even more gorgeous soap in it:

This particular one is by The Scottish Fine Soap Company that I will shamefully admit not knowing about prior to this but is it not just gorgeous?

You can probably tell it's Jasmine scented soap and it truly smells of all the floral goodness that jasmin provides.
I will also admit to not using it yet because really, I can't find it in my heart to pour water on it and ruin the whole thing. But I might, very soon.

Bottom line is, I utterly enjoy soaps! Am I the only one here?

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  1. What cute packaging! :) The soap looks really nice too.

  2. Being Scottish I see these all the time. I've never tried one but they sound lovely.

    Water Painted Dreams

    1. I had no idea they make them but man they're so lovely! You're lucky to have them everywhere, I'd be buying them compulsively if that'd be the case

  3. ooo I have one of these, mine is the orange one :D
    Amy x
    -A Little Boat Sailing-
