Sunday, August 4, 2013

Week In Pictures # 26

This week has found me going back to my roots. Well, the past couple of weeks have been a journey back but this week I feel like I'm actually there. And by that I mean singing. I know many (most actually) of you don't know this, but when I'm not blogging beautifully, I'm making songs and singing them.For a while I had to put that aside because of time,job...many issues that should not have become that important but yesterday I finally finished a new song that I was glad with, you know, like in the old days :) If curiosity is eating at you, you can listen to my existing songs on my Soundcloud page or just follow me on the music Twitter since I will be recording an EP later this month in London and that will be the first place to hear it.
As you already know, other than  that, there has been food!

A good first attempt at granola / Raspberry and rosehip dark chocolate!

And now they send me pills... / My kind of dinner!

If you mix some lip products you finally get the perfect shade / Trolling people's computers with Alan Rickman 

The pretty and pretty yummy macarons / Not a shabby view, huh ?

The new favorite things: egg in the middle and smoothies

Song making: the  clean beginning and the messy finished product

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