Thursday, November 21, 2013

Newest Candle Additions

There once was a day where I shockingly realized that the places that used to sell Yankee Candles had stopped selling them. A wave of despair, then another, and then one more came over me because I am a very big candle lover. Especially the kind that smell so exquisitely delicious.
But on a happy Wednesday evening I once again stumbled upon a place that sold them! Not too many, but enough for me to find some delicious smells to become happy.

yankee candle fresh cut roses mandarin spice christmas rose
I picked up these three, but I now am sure than in a few days, I'll be back for more. What is now burning next to my bed is Christmas Roses and it has such a comforting, clean floral smell! It's like I washed my laundry with pure roses. And that's just from this little wax tart. I actually find these tarts to be much more practical and they have a lot of burn time in them. But then again, I also love my huge candles than just burn so beautifully.
On the same Rose theme, I also picked up Fresh Cut Roses. Let the name remind you of what they smell like exactly. Roses. Fresh cut. Been wanting to try this one for a while, but didn't seem to find it anywhere, and as I so often do, before buying the bigger version, I like to test it out on small candles to be sure that my fantasy indeed smells like reality.

yankee candle fresh cut roses mandarin spice christmas rose

And since it's almost the season to be jolly, how does one resist Mandarin Cranberry ? It has a fruity but spicy smell, all while still staying very fresh scented. Imagine that delicious mandarin smell,but with a hint of cinnamon and the warmth of baked cranberries.
The most important thing with any fragrance for me is that it doesn't have an overpowering smell that will just make me so sick of it, that I never want to smell it again. Thus the love for this hint of freshness in every scent I pick up. So far, the best candle to have a fresh but delicious fragrance has been the MUJI Pomelo and Lychee one, that I could just smell for ages without tiring.

Really look forward to burning all of these up, because Yankee Candles really fill the air once you start the flame. One of these small candles can easily fill up a whole apartment in under 10 minutes with their scents and it's something I really love about their products.

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  1. Replies
    1. They really do! I could spend my days with my nose in them

  2. Din Cluj? Mi se termina si mie proviziile...

    1. Da, de la o librarie Humanitas. Cred ca numai acolo mai sunt

  3. ooo I literally just purchased my first Yankee Candles today. I got Black Cherry, Mandarin Cranberry (same as you) and whilst in Asda my mom picked me up a little wax tart in Rainwashed Berry. I'll be hunting down Christmas Roses after reading this.
    Amy x | A Little Boat Sailing

  4. I love candles. Never tried Yankees though.
    Adela x
