Saturday, November 23, 2013

Seche Vite Top Coat - My Conclusions

seche vite fast dry top coat review
As someone who is very fond of colors and patterns on her nails, you can imagine there was really no way around trying out this top coat. Everyone is immensely satisfied with it and praises it, and even with that somewhat creepy "this might harm you" warning for one of the components, there is no sign of its popularity going down.
I have now tried it on several times, with different polishes, textures and in different situations and I've come to a pretty solid conclusion:
It dries your polish in no time - This is one of the incontestable truths about it. As the name says, it dries any polish in under a minute. If you've ever read the leaflet, it will tell you that it does so, by going into all polish layers and making it one big,solid, dry layer. Which I can actually tell. I feel like I have little solid shells on my fingernails and as if my polish is an entity of its own. 
It chips - Now even if it builds a one layer armor, it still chips. And it sometimes makes the polish chip faster than it would without a top coat. Not so practical, but if all you need is very dry and very fast, you've got it.
It's a pain to get off - Only recently have I come to the final conclusion that it is much too hard to get off. It took me 10 minutes to rub it all off, and I truly don't appreciate it. It seems that said one layer armor becomes so solid that even nail polish remover has troubles with it. It would be good if it also wouldn't chip though, being so solid.
And then there's the warning .... - Well if you are expecting a baby, I'm definitely going to tell you to stay away from it. If not, then it's your decision. Many other nail polishes probably contain the same ingredient, just that, by not being produced in California, they are not obliged to state that warning on their product.
I for one, after weighing in all of the pros and cons would rather stay away from it myself, because it truly dries a polish insanely fast and gives it a lovely shine, but that's about all the pluses you get.

Have you ever tried this? Or did you want to?

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  1. I've tried this but haven't had a problem with chipping. The warning does creep me out though!

    1. Did creep me out too, and I think it's part of the reason I'm kinda glad it chips so I won't miss it

  2. I haven't tried it but due to the warning and the issues, I probably won't. I found my holy grail top coat as NYC Extra Shiny Top Coat. It dries fast, very shiny, is thick so it doesn't mess up nail art, is cheap and all around awesome.

    1. I should give that a go! I had one that lasted forever but it also took forever to dry and that was pretty uncomfortable

  3. Eu il am in varianta mica, insa pe mine nu m-a cucerit, nu ofera un luciu incredibil, este mult prea vascos si se consuma foarte repede. Si scump. Singura chestie care mi-a placut cu adevarat e ca usuca rapid manichiura.

    1. Da,cam atata cred ca e de el. De uscat chiar usuca, da in rest nu ma impresioneaza nici pe mine

  4. The warning is what makes me not want to buy it again :/ It is however an excellent top coat, I might look into the Mavala one though.
    Amy x | A Little Boat Sailing

  5. Mie imi place foarte mult Sec N dry de la Orly. e ca un gel si usuca extrem de repede. Nota 10 are de la mine, si costa cam 65 ron.

