Monday, November 18, 2013

The New Favorite Necklace

Can we take a moment to appreciate some sparkle on this otherwise dull and "let's get it over with" Monday morning?
I think we should, because I'd like to share my new favorite thing with you:

I'm a definite necklace person. More than any other piece of jewelry, I'm more prone to picking out a necklace if given the chance. I always liked to keep it simple, clean and beautiful, but we all like a chunky statement necklace every now and then,do we not? 
Well this one is on the simple and beautiful side. Did I mention I like wings, leafs and feathers,or anything of a long-ish shape dangling round my neck? Well I do,and this little feather is clearly true to the model.

I got this from and to my shame, I had absolutely no clue what pretty things they had to offer.

It does say it is made with Swarowski elements, which I am not sure what it means, but it is encrusted with so many carefully placed stones that I am very much inclined to believe that the stones are the elements that are being mentioned here.

To me, it is pretty much the perfect necklace and, as the people who have seen me this past week can attest, I've been wearing it every single day.
It's just the right amount of sparkle all while being really classic and chic.

 Be prepared to see much more of it because I am really,really in like with it. I also may have developed an obsession for polka dots,and navy blue. I kinda have a mini collection of said print in said you so clearly can see from even what I am wearing here.

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