Sunday, November 3, 2013

Week in Pictures # 37

I feel like I sound like grandma, but where did the time go? It's November! I'm proud to say that October has been pretty nice in terms of weather, especially the last couple of weeks. And then of course we had Halloween. Is it an interesting fact to mention that I have never even bothered with it before? Because this year was truly the first time where I did something in that direction,since the whole company was in a creepy craze.

1. Very surprising dupe discovery 2. Dupe-ing it out 3. Got my first creepy cupcake! 4. Baked pumpkin is a truly spectacular thing
5. Oh you know, just looking friendly 6. Lunch nails
7. Awesome carvings 8. Some people look very cute when avoiding pictures 9. It's a love affair with this coffee 10. Omelette made in the sandwich maker. So good!                            

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