Saturday, December 28, 2013

Big in 2013 - The Major Beauty Trends

It's always fun to look back on the year and try to remember what the major trends in beauty have been, because we just kinda incorporate them into our everyday life and don't think about "ah yes, this color, definitely a trend I'm doing!". We just do it.
That's why I did a half memory exercise in remembering what the Big Deals of 2013 have been.

 Things went natural.

I love whenever this happens because I'm a big fan of keeping it as natural as possible. The three big ones have been The resurrection of natural oils in beauty, Honey as THE ingredient and Natural Beauty/DIY beauty. Especially for the last one, more and more people have started to make their own scrubs, body creams, and started using more friendly ingredients all together. Not to mention how happy I am for all the oils  that are out there, because my skin LOVES them!

LIPS, LIPS and more LIPS!

If last year it was oxblood, this year, the variation thereof has been burgundy. Can't say I mind it, as it is a glorious lip color and burgundy lips have been everywhere! Another big thing that I liked have been matte lips. While I'm not the biggest lipstick wearer, I am definitely a huge matte lipstick wearer.
Nude, natural lips paired with a more natural look have been dominating spring and summer and really accentuating that natural beauty everyone has. And of course, my favorite thing to have hit the nation: Lip Pencils! I prefer them matte, but I'll take them in any ole' way because they are the most practical alternative to lip color to date. 
  Nail power!

 You know me, the complete nail obsessive and while many nail related things happened, I summed up the biggest ones. Halfmoon nails  seemed to be on everybody and yes... even I have tried them. 
One of the things I just could not get on board with were texture polishes. That cottage cheese look is not for me, nor are little confetti like "feathers". I can appreciate that someone took the time to come up with them, but I really don't want it on my nails. Even if they look kinda cool, especially the sandy and cottage cheese texture feel really creepy to the touch. But at least we had that one, huge color: Emerald Green.
And I must say, the nail shades that have emerged from this have been quite nice.

Do you have any more beauty trends you wanna suggest or have I covered them all?


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  1. What about the famous BB Cream? I remember a period when the blogs were full of BB cream reviews :-)

    1. I put that in my "big in 2012" post. This year they kinda went for CC , DD and whatnot creams, last year was the huge BB cream year
