Monday, December 23, 2013

Favorite DIYs of 2013

I'm a huge DIY fan and always find it so great what you can do on your own. Of course, Pinterest has become one of my best friends and SO many great ideas have come from there.
That's why I wanted to make a post of my favorite DIY projects I have either done or stumbled upon.

Favorite DIYs of 2013 diy candle jar labels vanilla vodka nail polish flavored salt lavender salt lemon salt pink golden jars mason jar diy
1. DIY Golden Candle Jar that you can find HERE
2. Flavored Salts. I have a thing for jars and putting things in jars like you will also see in number 3.
3. Layers in Jars . Weather it's spices, salt, flowers, glitters, scrubs, mixes for drinks or like in this case, the ingredients for Chocolate Chip Oatmeal and Gingerbread cookies, put it in a glass container and give it to me. I will be immensely happy!
4. DIY Swatchbook I've used this a couple of times, like HERE or HERE because they are such an easy way to swatch nail polish and have the swatches at hand when you need to see a color.
5. Packaged Spices for Mulled Wine. So simple and so clever! Package them and have them ready for when you just want to just throw them in. And I mean, how pretty do they look!
6. DIY Old Labels. Super easy and super practical. Soak any tag in tea and it will get that "aged" look
7. Pomegranate and Vanilla Vodka. I'm all for fun flavors and this is so fun to do!
8. Use Washi Tape! I've decorated the pictured candle holder HERE but you can really use washi tape for anything and everything!
9. Dipped Golden Vases. Or really, dipped anything. Again, insanely easy to do: just dip in gold, silver or any other color paint and voila!

Are you into DIY too? Share some of your favorites!

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