Thursday, December 5, 2013

HELP! Need To Find This Eyeshadow Color! ( Pictures of color in the Post)

Sometimes you see a color and you can't believe how great it looks on you...except it's on your eyebrow palette! This color is absolute perfection: it's matte, it's natural, it fits perfectly with my skintone, but it's not really an eyeshadow and it doesn't really bode well to putting it on my eyelids, which is why I NEED YOUR HELP!                     
Here's the color I am looking for:

It's the one being pointed at with the arrow and it is from the MUA Pro Bro kit but for the life of me, I cannot find a similar eyeshadow color! 

So here's where I need your help:  Do you know of any eyeshadow of that color? Or something similar that you'd suggest? It needs to be matte and a taupe, almost dirty sand brown.

Since we're at it, the pinker, more flesh color in this palette also looks quite incredible!So mainly, do you have any recommendations for natural looking, matte eyeshadows or eyeshadow palettes that contain colors similar to these?

I'm going to thank you in advance for your help!

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  1. Hmmm, I have an Elf Quad that I use for my brows and it has a color that seems pretty similar to mee. Also I think there are some similar shades in the Oh So Special palette by Sleek. I'll have to check but I am almost certain. And I think you could easily find a match at MAC or Inglot.Or maybe even the Sephora eyeshadows?

    1. Well, Sephora seems to not have them (checked after reading your comment :). MAC or Inglot are good ideas, because no eyeshadows in Sephora were close.

  2. I know that physicians formula makes some matte eyeshadow quads that might have a color similar to the one your looking for. I haven't tried them personally but I've heard a lot of great things about them.

    1. Always wanted to try that brand, but I can only get it online and picking colors off the screen might end up tricky

  3. Essence have something like that in duo eyebrow set :)

    1. Yeah, it's on eyebrow sets everywhere haha! But not as an actual eyeshadow

  4. I believe Natural Collection do a shade very similar to that, it might be slightly warmer though. hope you manage to find one lovely!

    Leanne xx | Seeking Serendipity

  5. Hey! romanian sau english se comenteaza la tine? :p check out the Respect palette from Sleek, it's very cheap for its quality, about 35 lei and you can order it online from romania, it arrives in about 2 days. The color i think looks similar to the one you use it's the 4th on the second row . you can see the swatch here, the 4th one

    1. Aici e everybody in za casa mare! :)) nu conteaza limba
      Da chiar ca seamana culoarea! Cred ca o sa incerc sa caut la Inglot dupa care o sa ma bag pe Sleek daca nu
