Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The 2nd Annual Beauty Bloggers Meetup

A couple of weeks ago,there was the second annual beauty bloggers meetup in Cluj and the fact that it's already the second and I was here for the first, gives me the impression that I'm an old hag. Joke aside, I'm pretty proud my blog is 1 and a half (ish) years old already.
Last year, we pretty much met up for dinner to get to know eachother, but this time it was a full on event. I do think it's easier to let the photos do the talking, don't you think?

The lovely ladies who made it all happen 

God bless whoever had the idea of feeding the bloggers. The bloggers loved it. Clearly.

I was utterly fascinated by the looks of this Oriflame tea. Yes, the dust is tea.

When you say goodie bags, you don't quite imagine it's going to be this many. But there were! Nivea, Yves Rocher, Bioderma, Cosmetic Plant, Farmec,Oriflame, B.U, Elmiplant, Golden Rose, to just name a few. 

Everyone was pretty fascinated by the Farmec winter nail polish collection. Mainly because the colors are pretty great.

Look at us "little" happy bunch!  I hope to see you all many MANY years to come. Like someone said, in 30 years, we'll still be discussing nail polish, or so I hope! 

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