Sunday, December 1, 2013

Week in Pictures # 41

Aaaand it's December! It's pretty incredible to think that in less than a month this year will be over. I feel like it was just  July or August last month, but in reality that  is long gone.
In any case, come December, the season for warm beverages, fluffy socks and questionable weather starts, and as luck would have it, all of those elements are present in my pictures this week!

1. The fluffy socks make their appearance 2. I love me some mist in the woods 3. Making my own pumpkin spice

4. Preparing for a photo shoot 5. Great afternoon! Writing and thinking
6.  This was in the garden, in November! 7. Lovely lovely gift from my colleagues 8. Sneak peekin'

How was your week?

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  1. Si uite asa iar imi e pofta de un Toffee Nut Latte de la Starbucks. Thanks Ioana :))

  2. Lovely pictures and I love the socks!!
