Sunday, December 22, 2013

Week in Pictures # 44

Well, it's almost next year and I can't believe it's 44 weeks that I've been doing this already! In the next 2 weeks I'll be doing some recaps of last year, so a lot of "best of" stuff and maybe even a top 10 favorite photos from all the weeks I've been taking them. If you've been around last year, you'll know what to expect more or less, if not, I think you'll like it :)

1. On my nails now too, my favorite color: Shearling Darling 2. The awkward moment when you confuse mascara for toothpaste 3. Had the occasional snowfall
4. Good ideas everywhere! 5. I've resurrected my liking for bracelets 6. After snow came frost
7. Currently on the nails 8. Amazing goodies I got this week! 9. Dinner tortellonis                                

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  1. Love these week in pictures! There so fun to see :)

  2. Ce frumoase sunt ojele Essie! <3 Imi plac bratarile, de altfel se numara printre accesoriile mele preferate doar ca uneori cam uit sa le port :))

  3. Superba manichiura cu oja de la essie!
