Thursday, March 13, 2014

Week in Pictures #50

Guys, you need to meet the guinea pig I have been babysitting for my friend. There is nothing more splendiferous than this little dude. Atitude and independence? He has it. Cuddly nose? He has that too? A fluffball? He is!
And add to that the fact that it's spring!

1. Sunny times 2. The guineapiglet!!! 3. On top of Primrose Hill. My favourite place on earth
4. Obligatory legshot 5. My Sunday Face (post right under this one) 6. Reading in the sun
7. Spring Skies 8. It's blossoming! 9. My favourite picture this week

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  1. oooh that little purple flower blossoming is so nice - spring has sprung! :)
