Friday, June 29, 2012

Nail Of The Day : W7 Gold Dazzle

Today's nails are brought to you by W7.

I stumbled across W7 this spring and they've been on my favorite list ever since.Truth be told,my eyes fell on them because the bottle looks just like the OPI one. Good marketing guys! ;)
I then got "Blue Diamonds" , a stunning blue glitter and promised myself to get my hands on their future glitters. Which,I am proud to say,I did! Got 5 glitter polishes in the past week and I will show them to you soon,but for now,Gold Dazzle.

This thing is incredible! For several reasons.

First up, IT LASTS!
With me,glitters tend to have a very short lifespan.Even with top and base and top over base and base over top coats. Nothing helps. But this one is a sturdy one!I'm gonna be showing you polish that has already been on for 2 days,not to mention the fact that it withstood the hardest test of all: Water!
My hands were in water for almost 2 hours yesterday and yet,nothing happened to my polish.
Not to mention that, I didn't even wear a top coat and it stayed on!Could also have something to do with my new Base Coat , since this was the first polish I used it with.Either way,seems they work perfectly together!

Secondly,it dries surprisingly fast!
With other glitters,I know that I need to take my sweet time if I want it to dry and keep a nice shape. But good ol' dried in no time!

And last but not least,coverage!
It's only 2 coats and look how nice it covered it! Cannot wait to try the other glitters I got because if they're anything like this: JACKPOT!