Saturday, July 21, 2012

Happy Faces : Dr. van der Hoog Mango and Melon Face Mask

Melon and Mango,I can almost feel  a tiny craving setting in. Luckily this mask is not for eating (but oh how I wish it was!)
I recently bought some Dr.van der Hoog face masks to see what they can do and what my face would think.I'd been using a mud mask every now and then,but my skin is fairly dry and mud tends to dry it out a bit more.
I got these 3 masks and decided to give one of them a try

The choice fell on the mango melon.This one is for sensitive skin and  I had just gotten back from swimming where the sun decided it was time to give me a proper tan .
Because the mask says that it works very well as an "apres-soleil" aka "after sun" treatment,it made the choice that much easier.

It says you have to apply it on your clean skin,avoiding the eyes and mouth area (much like with any mask) and let it sink in for 5 to 10 minutes,then rinse it off with water. I let it have the full 10 minutes :)
It's a transparent mask,so pictures of my face with it on would have just shown a girl with shiny skin,nothing too interesting.
The content of one pack can be easily used for 3-4 masks,if not more. I've used it twice now and there's still plenty left. Stored it in the fridge for safer keeping.

The Result:My skin liked it a lot! And my skin is very picky. It really felt like it had been given a boost of vitamins and it did not dry out at all!

Here's also a look at the ingredients,in case you were wondering
And there's the Parabens,which isn't a good thing when it comes to your face.

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