Saturday, August 4, 2012

Rimmel Match Perfection Concealer and Highlighter

As I've mentioned in my post about my favorite products in July, I have had a very long and fruitful relationship with the Rimmel Match Perfection Concealer and Highlighter.

I first found it about 3 years ago and have been using it ever since. Nothing else has managed to convince me that it might be better.
The great thing about it is that it is not only a concealer,but also a highlighter and because it is from the Match Perfection series, it is made to adapt to your skin tone even more.
The highlighter part has saved my life on a number of occasions,as you can use it pretty much anywhere you feel the need for some extra "awake" effect.

Before it, I had used a mix of tinted moisturizer and cover stick,to adapt the color to my skin and make it look ok.
But I think you too know that the texture of a cover stick isn't the most natural looking,nor is it too light and comfortable to wear.

The Rimmel Concealer on the other hand kinda disappears and blends in almost unnoticed.For me,it's important that things like concealer,blush or mascara look and feel natural. I hate feeling like "there's something on my face!" or for my face to look like I've plastered colors on it.

I also like the application: it comes with a brush tip and in a squeeze tube,which makes it that much easier for you to dose the amount you put on your skin and to get all of it out of the tube.

BUT, like with any brush that deals with the area around your eyes,keep it clean and change it every couple of months because you really don't want bacteria to get there!
Same thing goes with mascaras.

I use 030, Classic Beige. My skin is now a bit tanned,but as far as I've seen,the Classic Beige works well on most skin colors.It still does its job well though, even with a tan.

Here you have the Before and After

On the left  I'm wearing my just woken up face and on the right I'm wearing the Rimmel Concealer.
The lighting is different because I moved to the right of the mirror a bit and stopped having the glare from the window light behind me.

And a TIP: When you apply,pat the concealer it in,don't smear it around. By patting it,you lose less product, it stays in place and you can control its application much better.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a really good product. I have nominated you for the Liebster award
