Sunday, October 21, 2012

Polyvore Collage Day: Lace

Oh goody,goody! I really am a huge fan of lace!

I find it to be an instant outfit maker, wear a lace top with jeans and you have a far from boring look going on. Same goes for a lace dress,skirt or shorts that give your outfit an extra 10 points in the WOW department.

I find it to be the perfect combination of feminine and sexy because in the end it just depends on how you wear it.

I also have to admit the perfect lace color for me is white. You might notice that in a moment also.
I suppose it's because white lace has less cheesy potential than say black lace. That one can go wrong very easy if worn wrong, don't you think? I'm sure we've all seen black lace gone wrong at some point, especially if like me, you were born in the 80s. And I'm sorry Calvin Harris, it might have been acceptable in the 80s but it shouldn't have been. Fo' realz!

You can clearly see my color scheme here,can't you ? Well I hope you like my lace collage!


Yep, I even found Lace shoes! Gotta love 'em!

Can we talk a bit about the incredible Mermaid's Dream by Deborah Lippmann ? Let's!
This little polish is one thing I really wanna get my hands on,but it has proven to be a difficult task. Also, it's a bit on the pricier side by my gosh, isn't it pretty? Blues and glitters and shimmers and...ah, a beauty!

Just a heads up, you can get me this for my birthday,and my birthday is any day you decide. We don't need to get stuck on dates, don't you think?

As for the rest, pastels and white,of course. I did like the black lace detail on the top on the right, really works on this!

If you wanna collage away next week, make sure you let me know in a comment or on Twitter @TreasureChestt you want to join. And make sure you VOTE for next week's theme right here:

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See your awesome collages next week!

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  1. I love this outfit, and want to have the Mermaid Nailpolish now haha :) It is a bit expensive though..will probably treat myself for Christmas haha I made an outfit too and hope you don't mind I put the same Mermaid Nailpolish in there :) just added my link :) Ixx

    1. Of course not, the more the merrier! Isn't that polish just incredible?There is a dupe from urban outfitters but that's harder to get hold of as they really don't sell stuff around us

  2. lovely collage, love the skirt bottom right in particluar! xx

    1. I so wanna have that skirt! Have to figure out how to get it. If you click on the photo btw it takes you to the polyvore page where you can see where to buy all the items :) x

  3. I really love the look of the turquise deborah lipmann polish!

    Beauty Fiends Blog

    1. me too,if you google for swatches you'll be ever more in love!

  4. Love this, particularly the skirt. :) my lace colour of choice is black, I think black and white are the most elegant colours in lace. :) x

    1. black and white are always great choices, but while doing this collage I saw some really bad black lace stuff....
