Saturday, October 20, 2012

September Favorites!

It's that time again!

I know, it took me long enough to post this, didn't it?
Well here we go, my favorite things from the past month.

You'll see some good ol' friends and some new faces.
And since we're speaking of faces, let's start with that.

Favorites for my Face

As you might have noticed, I don't plaster my face with much, but these two are very very handy together.
The MeMeMe Sunbeam still holds its spot as favorite illuminator and you can read my review about it HERE

The Tinted Moisturizer from Florex I've also recently introduced to you in This Post and it will stay with me until the sun starts shining very brightly again.

Let's move on to The Eyes, shall we?

I'm very much a sucker for Gel Eyeliner and this one from Catrice is still my favorite. If you haven't tried it yet, want to, or don't know what kind of liner can work best for you, I suggest you check out my post about Picking Eyeliners.

Eyeko Fat Brush once more! I think you know by now I really like this mascara, but in case you don't, let me direct you to the post where you can find out why I like it so much. It's Right HERE.

Let's not forget the eyelash curler.This brilliant invention makes any lashes look 10 times better! I can't imagine not using it every single day.

And last,but not least: Nails!

Such awesome autumn colors,both of them!
The first one is Essie Bobbing for Baubles and you can see what it looks like on my nails HERE.
What a unique color it is! I'm really glad I found and got it.

The second one is Catrice After Eight and if you have a bit of patience, by next week, you will be able to see how it looks on my nails also, because the post about my Top Autumn Polishes is coming up and this one is in it.

How about you, what have your September Favorites been?

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  1. The Catrice nail polish looks really lovely!

    Sandra from The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

    1. the swatch will be up on wednsday so you can see how awesome it looks on the nails! wore it all this week!
