Monday, December 24, 2012

Monday Blues: Glitter Ombre Nails

I'm going to be doing an experiment today. Some of you might not know, but I speak Romanian, among other things, and I also have a lot of Romanian readers on this blog, so I figured I'd see what happens if I do a post in two languages today. Not sure how great it will sound, as I seem to be much better at writing in English but let's give it a go, shall we?

Am decis sa fac un experiment azi. Stiu ca multa lume din Romania imi citeste blogul si ma gandeam sa vad cum ar fi sa scriu in doua limbi astazi. Probabil nu va suna la fel de dragut, fiindca am ajuns sa scriu mult mai usor in engleza, dar sa incercam. 

So then, winter time, holiday time, bright sparkly stuff all around, so why not make it glittery and wintery on my nails .

Asadar, daca tot e iarna si e plin de sarbatori si chestii care sclipesc, am zis sa pun iarna si sclipiciul si pe unghii.

w7 silver dazzle w7 cosmic blue glitter ombre nails swatch

It's basically glitter and then glitter over base coat. I think it looks much nicer with the natural nail under.
I will show you a closeup and my nails with the other glitter bottle, simply because the contrast makes them look different each time.

De fapt e sclipici cu sclipici peste nimic decat baza. Mi se pare ca arata mult mai frumos cu unghia naturala dedesubt decat cu un lac nude de exemplu.
Va arat si unghiile de aproape si va voi arata si cum arata daca tin cealalta sticla de sclipici, pentru ca mi se pare ca prin contrast arata putin diferit.

w7 silver dazzle w7 cosmic blue glitter ombre nails swatch
See what I mean? It looks different now, with the emphasis falling on the blue

Vedeti cum zic? Arata diferit pentru ca accentul cade pe albastu de data asta.

w7 silver dazzle w7 cosmic blue glitter ombre nails swatch

Here are the glitters that I used, W7 Silver Dazzle and W7 Cosmic Blue 

Si aici sunt si lacurile pe care le-am folosit, W7 Silver Dazzle si W7 Cosmic Blue

w7 silver dazzle w7 cosmic blue glitter ombre nails swatch

So what do you say, frosty enough for winter? Below you will find the other two ladies who made it blue on a monday! And now the question, should I do bilingual posts?

Ce ziceti,arata destul a turturi pentru o manichiura de iarna? Si mai jos le gasiti si pe celelalte doua fete care si-au facut unghiile albastre azi . Iar acum intrebarea, cum e, mai scriu si in romana?

Mihaela from Lacquerbuzz
Marisa from Polish Obsession 

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  1. foarte draguta ideea <3 sarbatori fericite!!:*

  2. Arata foarte bine! ar fi aratat frumos si cu verde in loc de albastru :)


    1. Chiar era si verde in seria de w7 glitters da am zis ca nu o sa-l folosesc prea des si nu l-am luat. cred ca ma intorc sa-l iau :P

  3. So pretty like snow flakes :) Merry Christmas Joanna!
