Friday, May 3, 2013

Maybelline Fit Me Concealer Swatch and Review

If I were to run out of the house, I'd still throw some concealer on me. And that is simply because whenever I'm tired or worn out, the first place it shows are my eyes. They're an indicator of everything: how much I've slept, how tired I am, how much I've been staring at a screen. You can even check my mood.
That's why, the best investment for me is in concealers. I'm not a fan of heavy concealers that make you look photoshopped more than anything and feel just as fake. I like the light ones that get the job done while leaving you looking naturally fresh.

Well, this is one of them.      
Maybelline Fit Me Concealer swatch and review
Initially, I didn't know if the color would be right, as I picked it up in Sand, and it did seem more yellow than anything,but the good news is, it actually "fits me". Which means, a dab here and a blend there and it looks like you were born with it. And that,was unintentional. I just now realized that Maybelline have that "maybe she was born with it" line.... The subconscious works well.
In any case, I like how light it is and how you need such a small amount to cover up so much! 
That's another bonus, it has really good coverage. Like I said, I like my coverage to look natural and this does the job very well.

Maybelline Fit Me Concealer swatch and review

As you can see, it even blends with my somewhat pinkish hand. In the beginning I would slap it on in industrial quantities, until I realized it really just needs a dab to cover up nicely.
I also like that it doesn't crease, especially on my dry skin, and not even when I use oil underneath. So I suppose, even with oily skin, you'd be fine.
And the formula, well that's just a great one. Super light and not at all powdery or flakey. Really one of the best ones I've tried.

All In All: Definitely a repurchase!

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