Saturday, May 4, 2013

Best Of April

Since April has come and gone, I figured it would be a good idea to show you some of my favorite posts from last month that I hope you haven't missed. And in case you've missed them, I get the chance to show them to you.So here's what I hope you haven't gone without seeing:

The DIY SwatchBook: Makes organizing your polishes super easy and most importantly, super pretty!

Making The Most Delicious Smoothie: An easy 4-step guide to making what I have now come to call the best breakfast ever. Incredibly easy to make, incredibly healthy and most importantly, SO yummy! Trust me when I say you will love it. I've already had a lot of people tell me this is the best thing they have tried and I can only agree.

March Favorites: The favorites of last-last month of course. Before we get to April's favorites, there's still some goodies to be seen from the month before. And also,  even if some won't be in this month's most loved, they continue to be incredible products. So be inspired.

My Most Spring-y Manicure Last Month: Last but not least, the abundance of turquoise polishes continues. This time with some gorgeous gold splattered on it for good measure. Definitely one of the cheeriest manicured I've worn.

As a plus, if you check any of my posts tagged Week In Pictures  you will likely get the full on spring blast!

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1 comment:

  1. Sa stii ca m-ai corupt cu shake'urile, de aproape 2 saptamani asta beau dimineata. Am descoperit o combinatie faina si o tot consum fara sa ma plictisesc de gust.

    Interesanta combinatia dintre auriu si baby blue, sper sa nu uit si sa o incerc si eu.
